DILIGENT - A Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Tecnology
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Demonstrator 3 - Video Rendering
This demonstrator shows the opportunities of the DILIGENT Security Model and provides a video rendering application on the Grid based on the glite middleware. There are two different groups of users:
  • guest users
    • can only monitor renderings
  • authenticated users
    • can create and manage renderings
Depending on the identity you use to perform the demo, you will be able to perform different operations.
Where to find it: Click here
Target Audience: decision-makers, end-users.

How to use it:

Every time the user logins to the Demonstrator GUI, a proxy credentials containing his/her role is created automatically by contacting a MyProxy server.

Every time a new user is registered U&G Management service is invoked to add a user to the DILIGENT infrastructure.

The Authorization on the Rendering service is enforced using the DVOS services.

Each time a new rendering is created, a corresponding WSRF resource is also created in the Rendering service. Once started, the resource is in charge of submitting new rendering jobs to the Workload Management System (gLite 3.0.0) and to manage existing jobs until the animation is complete.

Rendering of the animation is obtained by splitting the entire flow into fragments, sets of frames, rendered concurrently on different grid nodes. When rendering is finished, they are merged all together to get the complete animation.

Getting started:

  • Access the portal
  • Create a new rendering
  • Monitor and control a rendering
  • Play with security
Documentation for the Video Rendering demonstrator
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