NATIONAL AND KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, Dept of Informatics and Telecomunications Country: Greece WP Participation: WP1.1, WP1.2, WP1.4, WP1.5, WP1.6, WP4.2 Type: Scientific Partner National and Kapodistrian University of Athens The University of Athens ( is the largest and oldest public educational institution in Greece. Being founded on 3 May of 1837, it was the first University not only in the newly-established Greek State but in all the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean in general. Nowadays it consists of five (5) Faculties (Applied Sciences, Health Sciences, Law Economics & Political Sciences, Philosophy, Theology) which are divided into twenty-nine (29) departments with a total number of over 92.000 students. The University staff includes 2500 Teaching and Research Staff members and 500 Administrative Staff. It provides more than 50 postgraduate programs leading to master diplomas. The University of Athens is a legal entity of public law. It has full administrative autonomy, but is subject to state supervision by the Ministry of Education, which also provides part of its funding. Department of Informatics and Telecommunications The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications ( belongs to the Faculty of Applied Sciences and was founded in 1989 as a joint effort of the Departments of Physics and Mathematics. Today the Department staff consists of 35 academic staff members (10 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, 15 Assistant Professors and 2 Lecturers) and over 100 PhD candidates and research associates, 200 postgraduate and 1200 undergraduate students. It is divided in three sectors: Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Communications and Signal Processing. The research and development activities within the Department cover a wide spectrum of Information and Communication technologies. The faculty, research staff, and students participate in a large number of projects of National and International scale, funded by programmes such as RACE, ACTS, TELEMATICS, DELTA, ESPRIT II & III, RISI as well as the Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training funded by the Greek Ministry of Education. The Dept of Informatics and Telecommunications has a strong background in complex query optimization and distributed systems management. Web presence: |