DILIGENT - A Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Tecnology
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DILIGENT presentation at the GGF 17, held in Tokyo on May 10-12

DILIGENT presentation at the GGF 17 conference held in Tokyo.
The presentation is entitled: "DILIGENT - Bridging WSRF services and the EGEE middleware".

The main topics of this presentation are:
- how DILIGENT is implementing its DL test-bed,
- what services are and will be offered,
- how GT4 is being used,
- how the EGEE middleware (gLite) is being used,
- how they are being linked, and
- how the DILIGENT user communities can benefit from this.

Since DILIGENT is developing an advanced test-bed that combines a scalable, secure, and reliable Grid infrastructure empowered by gLite with the dynamic usage of services provided by WSRF, a particular emphasis will be given to this interoperability work.

For more information about GGF conference please click here: