DILIGENT - A Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Tecnology
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DILIGENT release Alpha has arrived! (31/01/07)

The DILIGENT project is pleased to announce the DILIGENT release Alpha, the first official release of the DILIGENT software. Developed under the intense coordination of 7 geographically distributed teams, and integrated by another 4, DILIGENT is a complex system and the release Alpha represents the achievement of a major milestone in the project. The release Alpha is the foundation infrastructure on which DILIGENT will provide on-demand digital libraries to dynamic virtual organizations by exploiting the high-computing capacities of the grid.

82 components were integrated, packaged and made officially available in the release Alpha, together with the associated documentation. Furthermore, the release Alpha exploits a number of standards specification and application frameworks. The DILIGENT release Alpha will not be made publicly available due to proprietary information contributed by certain consortium members, but it is serving as the basis on which the Beta version is already being developed to achieve even greater functionality.